Women’s day 2020

There is nothing as strong and beautiful as you,

There is nothing as chaotic as you,

There is nothing as crazy and funny as you,

There is nothing as full of life as you,

You are and always will be an inspiration to the people surrounding you,

You are and always will break stereotypes and talk about the things less talked about,

You are and you always will be the queen of all hearts,

Wish you all, a very happy international women’s day.

This women’s day, lets pledge to listen to our own voices and grow strong together. We are all, all we have and we have all, what we are. Much love. ❤️


Valentines 2020

Love is all about the sweet memories,

the ones that secretly win your heart,

the ones that make you smile by yourself,

the ones that make your day brighter,

the ones that make your Llama love your drama,

the ones that make you forget all your worries,

the ones that make you stand out in a crowd when you are with your special someone,

the ones that give you a reason,

and always; no matter where you are, call you Home. ♥️


This valentines, I wish you all a lifetime full of love and joy and vibes that make your life, but a happy dance forever. .

Wish you all a lifetime of Love, the vintage kind of love. ♥️


There’s a paradise

outside my window,

I open the doors of my house

To the endless sky and the fading Sun

I open my windows of the house

To the chirping birds and all their fun

And just as I look through my life

I see myself opening my heart

To all the things that made me sad

On lonely nights and the sun kissed skies

To all the things that made me laugh

The beauty of the stars and the universe

Which make me believe

I am a part of nothing else

But just that star dust

Which has made this paradise

A living wonder

An apocalypse

So you see, there’s a paradise

Outside my window

As calm and composed

As an apocalypse

Listening to the lure

Of your heart,

Listening to your heart.